How to Boost your Creativity When You're Feeling Stuck


When I became a mom, I isolated myself, my main focus was my baby. I lost myself over time, and felt uninspired for a long, LONG time! I watched a ton of motivational YouTube videos, podcasts, and audiobooks, but none of them make me feel creative again. A few days ago, Ann Ueno ( Follow her on Instagram @annuenointeriordesign ) opened my eyes with a video about JOY.

A TED Talk called “Where joy hides and how to find it” by Ingrid Fetell Lee, author of the book “Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness” (I already added to my shopping cart in Amazon). After I watch this TED talk, I knew my word from that moment was JOY.

Things felt so GOOD, everything was clear! I remembered why I'm so passionate about design, and everything that involves creating something. I have my fire and passion back again, but that doesn't mean I don't have days when I don't feel creative at all. I'm sharing with you the methods that help me when I feel stuck, and I hope they can be helpful for you and inspire you to create amazing and beautiful things full of joy.

  • Visualize the things that make you happy: Write a list of the things you like to do or make a mood board or a Pinterest board of the things you love or you feel inspired by. Crave deep inside you, which things bring joy to your life and start embracing it hardly, with passion, with excitement, and with love.

  • Journal: I think this is my favorite activity. I journal every day, it always makes me realize what’s going on with me when I’m feeling down or stuck. Grab pen and paper, and start to write everything you have in your mind, no matter how silly you think things are, just let it go. When you finish writing, you’re going to see things clearly.

  • Stop for a minute: Take a break and disconnect. When we're not feeling creatives we tend to push us too much, and our brain doesn't need that in order to find the inspiration you're looking for. You can start to cook, to read or to meditate to distract yourself, just do a different activity from the one you're stuck with.

  • Move your body: Whether you stretch, go for a walk or go to the gym, you have to put your body in movement frequently. It enhances your memory and helps you to be more focused. Also when you're exercising, you're automatically sending blood and oxygen to your brain, which means that you'll think clearly.

  • Keep your space tidy: I'm a true believer that your messy space is the reflection of your messy mind. It's impossible to be focused on something when you have a pile of clothes staring at you or dirty dishes you say you're going to wash later. You need to let your creativity explode, without any distractions.

  • Be closer to nature: The more we're in touch with nature, the more we will be able to be in deep connection with our creative soul. The simple fact of breathing fresh air change your mood and make you feel happier and it’s going to give you the opportunity to liberate your mind.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, it means A LOT to me! If you don't follow me on Instagram and you want to ge helpful tips or get inspiration, please feel free to follow me on @theboldcorner, I would be more than happy! Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to receive amazing and exclusive content, offers, news and more.

Love, Mariana.

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