Why you need to make your house a home and what things you can do about it.

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Over the time I lived in different places. For many people may not seem like a lot but I came from a culture that are very attached to our home, our city and our people. When I started to move from one place to other I started to realize certain feelings. From my grandparents house to my parent's in Venezuela, to a studio in Miami Beach, to bigger apartment near Downtown Miami, to finally the Bay Area. I struggle with the idea that those new places were my home because my home was in Venezuela but home is not the same as house. I asked myself "What is home?". Defined by me, home is a mix of feelings that we create and can modify if we want to. When I started to align myself with my own definition of home, my mindset changed completely and I was open to make of those places my home.

Firstly we need to have something in mind. The places where we live don’t define ourselves, but what we make of those places can define our lives. Don’t matter if you live in a house, an apartment or in a room. Don’t even matter if you own or rent. The thing that matters is that you make it your home by introducing the things that really make you feel joy and represent exactly who you are.

Designers often say that your home should be a reflection of your true essence, and it is actually true. It is a extension of ourselves, it is our safe place and where we recharge ourselves, for some people the place where we raise our children, for others where we work. The purpose and function of everyone’s home is going to be different but what should be for everyone is the place we enjoy the most and feel good about it. There’s some things you can do for your home today, that are easy and you don’t have to spend a lot of money. You can just paint a wall with a bold color, buy a plant or just keep you home tidy and decluttered. If you want more ideas I have a free list of 20 little changes you can do to elevate the look and vibe at home.

I really enjoyed writing this post for you. I hope that it could be helpful for you and inspire you to make the changes you need to have a joyful home. Let me know in the comments what is your own definition of home?

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Love, Mariana 💗


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