The Bold Blog.

A magical place where you can find inspiration, tips and the motivation you’re looking to elevate the good vibes and create the perfect look at your home.

Creativity, Design Tips Mariana Riera Creativity, Design Tips Mariana Riera

Create a Workspace That Boost Your Productivity While Working From Home.

Like many of you working from home during this time has been a real struggle. I have to tell you that I’m really passionate about my work but I found so difficult to wanting to work and check all the things on my to do list. With work, a 2 years old baby full of energy and the daily task, all mixed up is kind of crazy. So I needed to find a solution to focus more and get things done specially during this time where we have a million things to worry about, that why I wanted to share with you little tips that help me have a productive day of work.

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Creativity Mariana Riera Creativity Mariana Riera

How to Boost your Creativity When You're Feeling Stuck

Things felt so GOOD, everything was clear! I remembered why I'm so passionate about design, and everything that involves creating something. I have my fire and passion back again, but that doesn't mean I don't have days when I don't feel creative at all. I'm sharing with you the methods that help me when I feel stuck, and I hope they can be helpful for you and inspire you to create amazing and beautiful things full of joy.

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