Create a Workspace That Boost Your Productivity While Working From Home.

Create a Workspace that Boost your Productivity While Working From Home.png

Like many of you working from home during this time has been a real struggle. I have to tell you that I’m really passionate about my work but I found so difficult to wanting to work and check all the things on my to do list. With work, a 2 years old baby full of energy and the daily task, all mixed up is kind of crazy. So I needed to find a solution to focus more and get things done specially during this time where we have a million things to worry about, that why I wanted to share with you little tips that help me have a productive day of work.

  1. Keep your space organized.

    If your workspace is not tidy I promise you’ll be thinking “OMG this is a mess, I have to clean it” ALL THE TIME and you’ll not be able to concentrate in the real work. Messy space, messy mind.

  2. Have an ergonomic chair.

    There’s nothing more annoying than a uncomfortable chair. It’s not worth it having the most amazing accent chair in the world if you can sit for 30 minutes without your back hurting or moving from one side to other trying to find a comfortable position.

  3. Plants are your new best friends.

    The best advice I can give you is that include to your workspace a real plant, yes a REAL one! They have so many benefits like clean our air, make us feel more happy and one of them is that they increase or productivity. So yes, plants are really cool.

  4. Keep your vibes high.

    Do you like candles? Crystals? Are you into motivational quotes? Or a picture of your dog? Add things that makes you happy and puts you in a good mood. Having things that we love around us have a huge impact on how we feel and we perform.

Hope that those little tips can help you achieve a productive workspace. Don’t forget to keep going in anything you’re trying to achieve and be safe.

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