10 Common Mistakes When Renovating Your Own Kitchen.

  1. Not having a functional layout.

    When planning your kitchen layout is important to have in mind how you’re going to use it. There are certain design rules for kitchens like the triangle of harmony. It states that you have to create a triangle with your sink, your stove, and your refrigerator location. This will allow the space to have a smooth workflow and balance for you to easily move throughout your kitchen.

  2. Lack of storage.

    We all suffer when we live in a home where the kitchen cabinets don’t have the proper space that we really need. Maybe you think that there’s nothing you can do but it might not be true. Most of the time people don’t see the full potential of a room and the different solutions that are possible to maximize the space.

  3. Picking the wrong materials.

    You have to source your materials based on your lifestyle and needs. The next step is to analyze the pros and cons of the materials you would like to use and be open to trying different materials that suit your needs and budget. Don’t always go with the cheapest options. If you manage well your budget, you can invest more in appliances or a good countertop, and spend less on other things.

  4. Design your kitchen based on trends.

    You can’t do this anymore. Trends come and go constantly, and if you follow a specific trend without a true meaning you probably won’t like it anymore after a couple of years. Every room of your home should reflect you and share your story, including your kitchen. So dig more into what you truly love and embrace it.

  5. Underestimate the time and dedication required.

    Remodeling a kitchen is not as fun as it looks. Stress and frustration can show up in the process because they didn’t know all the work and decisions you have to make to achieve the perfect aesthetic you want. My honest advice would be to not do it by yourself if you’re not going to treat your project like a job and have the time and patience to commit from the beginning to completion.

  6. Playing safe.

    Our kitchens are the hearts of our home. Where family and friends enjoy and share. We should celebrate this place and have a little fun with the materials, shapes, and color schemes. Do you want your kitchen to be like everyone else’s or do you want it to be unique like you?

  7. Having an unrealistic timeline.

    People, you need to understand that this is not HGTV. It’s not realistic to think that your new amazing kitchen will be ready in one month. The average time to complete a kitchen remodel is from 2 to 5 months depending on the size of the project and the scope of work.

  8. Underestimating the costs of a kitchen renovation.

    Let’s be honest, having your dream kitchen is not cheap. You have to make your numbers and plan ahead to be prepared for everything. Remodeling costs can vary from $10,000 to $50,000+. There are many factors that can affect the total cost like if you need new custom cabinets, the materials you would like to use, and the technology you want to implement. On the other side, you’ll always see the return on that investment at the moment you sell your home.

  9. Not setting goals for the project.

    Just like in real life if we don’t where we want to go, we’ll never know what we have to do to get there. Give your space a purpose and start to create your environment around that. Do you want it to be a place of relaxation, or a place for sharing? Maybe you want to have fun nights with your friends or spend quality time with your family after a long day. We should have a home that gives us the feelings and the vibe we want.

  10. Refuse professional help.

    I won’t lie to you. It’s possible to DIY. But you have to be aware that it’s not an easy process. If you do it by yourself you need to be prepared because mistakes can happen as previously mentioned, and mistakes cost money, time, and a lot of energy. Interior designers have the knowledge required to prevent these mistakes.

If you decide to do it by yourself have in mind these common mistakes and try to find the best solution for a functional and beautiful kitchen. But if you want someone to help you I’m your girl! Click here to inquire and discuss how I can design a unique kitchen perfect for you.


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