What an interior designer actually do?

People sometimes have the wrong idea of what an interior designer really does and don’t fully understand the value of it. But don’t worry, I’m here to explain to you what our work as designers actually means and what it entails. At the end of this blog post, you’ll see how deeply beneficial is to trust your project to a professional that will work hard to create something amazing, functional and beautiful from your ideas, lifestyle, and needs. Now let’s dig into the good stuff.

What is an interior designer?

An interior designer is a professional that is going to elevate the look, functionality, and feeling of a space. It’s not just about picking paint colors and adding nice stuff into a room. It’s about the experience you’re going to have there. They understand human behavior and the psychological effect our environment has on every one of us, and design every detail adhering to building codes and regulatory requirements. Visualizing the final result of your space can be hard most of the times but interior designers are trained to see the whole picture and create a plan that suits you perfectly to your project based on who is going to use the space, which feelings you want it to transmit, and what problems do we need to solve. You’ll also be able to see what your designer has in mind through floor plans, elevations, and 3d renderings of your dream space. They can actually avoid frustrations, and make you save time and money by making the right choice when it comes to the layout, materials, and colors for your goals and budget. You can be sure that you’re going to love your new space because thanks to their detailed process of deep researching about you and your project they will create something amazing just for you without following trends, but using you as the main inspiration and make it intentionally timeless for you to enjoy it for a long time.

Services an interior designer can offer you.

  • Create an efficient development plan customized for your project.

  • Space planning and elevations.

  • 3d rendering for easy final product visualization.

  • Project management.

  • Collaboration with contractors, architects, or engineers.

  • Furniture, decor, and art sourcing.

  • Color scheme.

  • Material and finishes selections.

  • Light fixtures and hardware sourcing.

  • Ordering and shipping of all of the items.

  • Installation.

  • Manage returns.

  • Schedule a professional photographer to take pictures of your new space.

  • Make your renovation seem an easy and joyful process.


We should start seeing interior design like other important investments every person must have in their home. Whether it’s a residential or commercial project an interior designer will be helpful for you if you’re want something functional and different from the rest, and if you’re looking to save money, time, and want to increase the value of your home, or the popularity of business and see how good investment it was.

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